Monday, August 8, 2011

Am I wrong not to accommodate the father after he wanted an abortion?

I am 22 weeks pregnant. I was living with the child's father and after he found out I was pregnant---he abandoned me in an apartment I couldn't afford alone. On top of that, because I wouldn't get an abortion, he told me to stop contacting him---which I did. I hadn't heard anything from him, since October of last year---until last week. He sends me an email saying he wanted to "discuss the matter" I replied sternly, saying there was nothing to discuss unless it pertained to his child's well-being. He said it did, but wouldn't elaborate. So, I didn't give him any info. (He doesn't even know exactly how far along I am, what the gender of the child is, etc.) Well, after asking this question on Y!A, it was suggested that I was being too hard and I should lightened up and volunteer some info---which I did. I send another email last night, basically divulging my stance about allowing him to be a father if he chose to be, but not allowing him to pop in and out at his convenience. I concluded the email, with an attachment of my 18 week sonogram that had the babies on it. I haven't heard from him as of yet, and see that is what bothers me. For all the years I knew him, he was an adamant email checker. I kinda was adjusting to the idea of him not being involved, and hate feeling pull back and forth between him wanting to accept his part and him wanting to play mind games like a child. I'm tired of investing energy into him...this isn't about HIM, it's about the child---yet he still comes off, like he should be the one accommodated. I feel like he doesn't deserved to know anything about the child, he wanted to abort.

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