Sunday, August 14, 2011

Defining the archangels?

Let me start off by saying I have looked in the bible and done a lot of research about the archangels. Unfortunately, I keep finding different definitions about each one. I am trying to find the definition of each of the following angel's jobs. Raphael, Michael, Gabriel, Uriel. Please when you answer the question, under the source category either list your religion, denomination, or whatever source you have to explain why you think that job is that SPECIFIC Archangel's. For instance: i have heard that Gabriel is strictly god's messenger. I have also heard he is strictly god's "general in the army". So sources are helpful. NOTE: If you do NOT believe in angel's, are non-religious, anti-religious or anything else...please keep negative comments to yourself. I don't judge or reticule you for your beliefs. Please have the courtesy to act the same way to me. Thank you.

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