Monday, August 8, 2011


I tried so hard to get rid of my gayness but I CAN'T! I got an exorcism but all I did was barf and nothing happened. Why won't Satan leave me? I tried so hard to like girls but I don't even get turned on. I even watched some videos with girls having (s e x) in it but no matter what I just find it disgusting. I Don't want to go to hell. Why did God make my life so hard? I told my parents and they even took me to one of Christian friends who is some sort of therapist. But it didn't work. My parents are very ashamed of me and I get really sad at times. How come I'm going to hell when I'm suffering in this life to? It's not fair. I act like a straight person at school so it's really hard to notice. I EVEN HAD A GIRLFRIEND and kissed her but i didn't feel anything. I'm not sure if it's God testing me or Satan is pocessing me but I want to get rid of my ity! Please help. Is their some kind of medicine or anything that I can take? I want to believe it's a choice because God wouldn't make someone just to send them to hell but lately I'm starting to disagree with it. Please I don't want any dumb answers. Please help me!

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