Sunday, August 14, 2011

Does this sound like a good horse job i should take on?

Do you think a job where you make $0.50 for every saddle you put on a horse, $0.50 for every cinch you tighten, $0.50 for every water bucket you fill, $0.50 for every time you brush a horse, $0.50 per stall that you clean. the stalls are really neat and are not really dirty. $0.50 for hanging halters up. $0.50 for unsaddling, $10 every time you give an hour lesson. 25% of the profit if you are in the lead on a trail ride. 10% if you are in the drag the whole time. usually get around $50 worth it tips each day. the stable has 25 horses i have to saddle and unsaddle, brush and clean each horse every day and do all of this. The place is a riding stable where young adults and kids come to ride during the summer and on weekends they also do over night trails i get payed for that also. Do you think this would be a good job i have another offer but i don't want to have to move 4 hours away. This job adds up to about $70 on a good day. its 45 min. away from my current house im worried i will end up spending more on gas getting their than i will get payed but $70 a day adds up to a pretty good bit at the end of each week. I also have to drive the tractor and repair stuff around the barn i can physically do all of this with ease.

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