Thursday, August 18, 2011

Translate this words in English ?

Feliz plea�os Happy birthday.� no entiendes/ don't you understand? apmede[not spanish. pues--well or then.mentira---lie[untrue] yo s� que si entiendes,--- I know that if you understand.

4 yr old won't sleep alone?

This is a supernanny tecnice. Put her into her bed and say goodnight. If she comes out put her back into her bed and say it's bedtime darling. Next time she comes out say "It's bedtime" and put her straight back into her bed. Next time she gets out you say nothing and put her into bed. Keep going and just ignore any cries you hear. It seems cruel but, it works.

How do you dye shoelaces?

We bought some knee high Airwalk Kicks that have 120-inch laces. NOBODY makes laces that long, and my daughter wants them to be purple. I believe they are cotton. We're going to try dying them with RIT, but there's no specific directions except if you're going to use the entire packet. How would I do them stove-top and how much should I use?

Do you agree with Gene Simmons?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

How long after my friend's done with his course of chickenpox can I meet him?

I've never had chicken pox..and he's had it for about 2 weeks now .. so when can I go meet him, when I'm at no threat of having it?

If it was proven that there was no afterlife...?

I think most people would go batshit crazy until someone thought of a clever way to deny the undeniable, and then most everyone would cling to their denial like leeches to a hemophiliac.

Anyone Else Worried About NOT getting their $8000 credit?

Do you think you had to buy a brand new home? I hate to say it but this is the reason you should have found a "pre-used" home. When we were looking at homes last Dec. we decided to buy a "pre-used" home over the building of a new one. The main reason wasn't the tax credit. It was just the simple fact that our home had much more to give then a newly built one, such lush landscaping, mature trees, the house had character. Anyway we closed on our house on Jan 21, 2009 and received our 8,000 two weeks later when we efiled in Feb.2009. Good Luck

How do you judge if someone is stupid?

people are labeled "stupid" because they disagree with whom ever is doing the labeling. those that have vacant, gly-eyed, mouth drooling, with a finger stuck in their ear, are called supervisors. the truly indecorous stupid people should flee to canada, there they will be looked upon as geniuses. no need to thank me, i'm here to help.

Why does my girlfriend think flattery ends a discussion...?

I had an ex who used to do this to me whenever we had an argument. It was his way of trying to get me to stop being angry and forget about what we were fighting about. Personally, I don't care for it...I'd rather actually resolve the issue.

How I get continuance?

I 140 approved in May 2009 and I am in removal proceedings my date is not current means came in United States in August 2002 (245 ineligible) on visit visa with wife and 3 daughters over stayed and apply for asylum with draw on the basis of pending I 140 please let me know any thing els other then consular processing. I have only 2 mts left for my hearing date IJ give me continuance. This time IJ said you will take the Voluntary departure, do I have any other option ? What if I try withholding of removal and appeal ? or change lawyer?

Atheists who try and persuade believers in God that they are wrong - Why?

Atheists who try to convert believers do so for the same reason that bible thumpers try to convert non-believers - arrogance and intolerance of the beliefs of others.

Is there something wrong with all of my joints?

You might have loose ligaments, aka "ligamentous laxity." There are various degrees of severity of this condition ranging from minor to major. You might want to check it out yourself.

Why does my car horn goes off randomly?

Last weekend on friday around 7-8 pm, my car horn was going off (as if someone was sitting in my car and holding it down). I had to hit the steering wheel hard to get it to stop, but then it would do it again, and again... It stopped for a while until 4 in the morning. On saturday I took the car and it turns out it needed a new battery, so I got one and had no problems the rest of the week. Until saturday morning. At exactly the same time at 4 in the morning I had to wake up and disable the battery to get it to stop. I finally took out the horn fuse. I have a 2002 Mitsubishi Montero Sport, and I live in AZ so I don;t think this is because of cold weather seeing I have no problems with it during actual winter. An ideas on why this is happening?

Fantasy baseball trade! Help!?

I would definitely make that trade, Upton is on a noncompetitive team, so his play might slack off toward the end of the year, and Kershaw has had a good season.

WIll it ever be used by anyone?

I have been studying Complementary Therapies for 2 years now nearing the end of my course which includes mage, aromatherapy, will it ever come in handy and will i ever get clients for it, especially since everyone seems fine, dandy and healthy? Have i wasted my time? Also i want to do Client Health Information Packs based on peoples health conditions, is that weird, will anyone want them or use them, or should i just give up on the entire idea of doing anything like that or the therapies, will i be banging my head off a brick will like i have been?

Is my gerbil okay ....???? ....?

since nala ( her little frienddd) died, she hasn't hardly eaten anything, is biting me, wont take food from me and runs away like she is terrified at even the sound of my voice, today she had been chewing vigorously at the bars and wont stop digging at the corner of her cage and making loud squeakingng noises. is she ok? or is there something wrong?

Whats that rock song playing on radio 1 recently?

Its a girl singer she shouts a lot in the song sounds very much like the lead singer from 'letters to cleo', but more rock. Edith Bowman normally puts it on, but I never catch the name or the song title, any ideas?

Bad/awkward mistake and dont know what to do or say!!..any advice??....:/?

i am really gud friends with this lad but he lives over in england...he comes over to his family a couple of times a year nd we hangout ...during x-mas just gone we were up in his house but decided to go down to his uncles for a few drinks , we were having a good nyt or what ever and his aunty and uncle went to bed, leaving just us alone downstairs. we were talking for a while and one thing led to another and it ended in us sleeping together.....i have never thought anything like that would have happened between us as i only see him as a gud friend!!...since then we havnt spoken nd never speak on facebook just wondering what i could do to try rebuild the friendship that we had , because at the moment i tink the both of us feel really awkward about it and are avoiding bringing it up......i also feel really guilty as he has a girlfriend and they were going out the time this all happened!!...any suggesstions will be greatly appriciated..thanks in advance..

MFS: Remember when we all thought this was gonna be the starting 11?

Juarez has shown that he can do more than just defending. He's moving up, and that's good because he has got the skill. Magallon has gotten slow and yea it's cool that maza is there because he grew up so much in germany. The current squad is looking good!

To those 'Free Tibet' Olympic protestor - How much do you really know about Tibet, its history and the people?

Excellent question. Many people just jump on the band wagon and have no idea where Tibet is and why they're protesting. Personally, I don't give a #$)@!

What are the toiletries to take with you at camping?

I'm a crazily hygienic girl and never went camping before. Once i went to the beach and their public toilets were just too digusting there were crap everywhere. So, i didn't enjoy the beautiful trip because of it........ what do you need to take with you to be ultra clean when having a crap or peeing? (this is just a weekend trip thank goodness), so far i have 3 soaps, wipes for wipes and hygienic wipes to clean in front of you. Obviously I'll need water right....what else? this is going to be the most important bit of my trip

How should i do my hair?

The last one would look good, its cute. But i like the first one [lady gaga's] better. It's different & really cute.

Can i put Non Detergent motor oil in my 86 Buick somerset?

as long as thats not what your using all the time you will be ok. the problem is it wont keep the carbon from building up in your engine. an 86 vehicle is bound to have wear. some oils better then no oil.

Who was your First Love <3?

Mine was in fourth grade. There was this new girl at school. Anyways, I swear i thought she was the most amazing, and beautiful person I have ever seen. It's funny how amaze I guess as a kid you see the world differently was Angelica was her name she had the most amazing blonde hair.As soon as I introduced myself we instantly became best friends, we hit it off! friends wrestling and riding are bikes through the woods, going to movies, hanging out, times were good, But a last it ended she had to move to Texas because her dad was going to be stationed there he was in the military. I wrote her a love letter I still have it somewhere around my room never had the guts to actually give it to her. I chased her car when she and her family were pulling out their driveway saying, " I'll love you forever!". It was like out of a movie I remember it so vividly. I always wondered where she is nowadays, I know it sounds lame huh.

I won auction but Ebay and Paypal don't accept card. Can I change my address on those sites?

Umm they do accept American Express. Try a different browser or something. You probably won't get a bill but you'll get negative feedback and goodluck with buying something in the future.

What do you think of the name Stormilynn for a girl?

a contestant on Rockstar: SuperNova was Storm Susan Large. I think that's a cute name. How about just Stormy Lynn? I think that would be cute. For a boy, how about Raine (like Raine Maida from Our Lady Peace) or Rivers (like Weezer's Rivers Cuomo)? I like Stormy and Raine.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Hey! from where can i download KAREENA KAPOOR video songs ?

i am her biggest fan... so please suggest some sites or torrent where i can find her movies songs from begining some type of dvd or any... containing songs from movie asoka, ajnabe, k3g, refugee, khushi, omkara

What are ways to improve my 100m time?

I am a sophmore going into my Junior year. My PB is 11.8. I know how to come out the blocks good but I need improvement so I can run the times that I want. My AAU coach tells me that I have potential to be real good in the event. I really want positive tips and advice

Air Force and the Navy?

I am getting conflicting things, Which branch can fly planes off of aircraft carrier the Air Force or the Navy. Which branch would give you a better chance in getting into flying in a real plane not a UAV. Also what type of flying has the least people in it, such a fighters, rescue, bombing, ext.

GERMAN Translator needed...!?

Letzte Woche unternahm ich nichts besonders Interessantes. Letzten Freitag ging ich zum Fleischmarkt nach Pleasant Hills. Er hei�t "Weiss Meats" und wir fahren dorthin, um all unser Fleisch zu kaufen. Sie haben mit das Beste Rindfleisch, d ich je in meinem Leben probiert habe, und es hat einen vern�nftigen Preis. Solltest du je in dieses Gebiet kommen (to be ordered to the place - army = versetzt werden) ist dies ein Ort, an dem es sich lohnt anzuhalten.

Really really really sore feet, almost cant walk?

I have the same thing. Its called "flat feet" and it causes your feet arches / ankles to cave in slightly. You need to see a pediatrist. They specialise in feet and can give you foot support to make things better! Hope i helped :)

Polaris Sportsman 450 no lights?

I have an '06 sportsman 450. took it to repair shop for repairs, got it back fixed, but lights will not turn on. No Hi or Lo beams. I'm thinking when they took it apart and put it back together, they forgot to plug something back in. I searched the atv and followed the electrical wires coming from the headlights lights, but cannot find anything wrong. I have taillights, work lights, and instrument cluster lights, but no High or Lo beams. Any ideas?? Thank you.

Staedtler Graphite 777 Eraser Refill?

I love stationery goods from Staedtler and Graphite 777 is one of my many favorites. It's easy to grip, works well, looks good - half transparent body with matching color eraser on top that, lasts forever and on top of all this, cheap. However, one of my concerns is that no matter how cheap it is, I don't want to buy a new one as long as it lasts and I'm almost using up the eraser. It is pretty big compared to the other erasers on other mechanical pencils and it erases pretty well too. I really want to buy refill for this one (gray) and can't find a website or store that sells refill for this mechanical pencil. Anyone knows where to purchase???

How do I make up with my best friend?

My best friend of 2 years is mad at me because she thought I was being mean. At school, I didn't know what to say, so I said something like "Guess what i'm thinking." she just shruged, and I yawned hugely. I kinda laughed at myself and said something random like "Uhhhh.. is the face wash that I recommended working for you?" and she was like "nope." then today someone said we were going to do the mile in gym, and i said something like "i think i will do well because i have been doing track." then, one day she said she needed a ponytail to put her shirt up in gym, and i let her borrow my last one. the next day, she lost it and asked for another one. i told her that she took my last one the day before. today, i was complaining how something should have been a home run in gym, and she told me to get over myself. she had been acting weird lately. i asked her why she was mad at me, and she said it was because i said the ponytail thing rudely. i walked away hoping she would calm down. then i just read her blog, and she was saying mean things about me, and that she was happy she wasn't my friend anymore. i think she is asleep now, but i sent her some sorry messages on the computer, which she should get tomorrow. what do i do? she is my BEST friend, and it feels like my whole world is falling apart. (P.S. last summer, she sent me a really mean email saying she didn't want to be my friend anymore. we didn't talk for over 3 months. one time i saw her in the bathroom, and i automatically said hi. later that day, she asked if we were friends now, and i said "yah, i guess" and we didn't talk about it since)

Wich is a better verizon phone?

You can go to a href="" rel="nofollow" to compare the features and specs of these three phones side by side, a really great tool that will definitely help you make your final decision. And in my personal opinion and experience, Samsungs aren't the best quality of phones.

Is it ever ok for the female 2 approach the male????

It depends on how you do it. Don't act all pathetic and like I LOVE YOU OMG!! It could annoy the guy. I've did this a few days ago and it worked out so well. We're like best friends and hang out all the time now.

It takes lot of time to delete data from .Xls file?

not sure why because its just a spreadsheet... maybe its a big spree sheet your deleting... or it could have allot of charts or something

Hackamore or Bridle?

I have a thoroughbred horse and she is from the track. I just turned 12 last month and it makes me nervous when she CHOMPS at the bit. She doesn't stop chomping!!!! She doesn't make me nervous except when she does that! I dont know if I should try to use a hackamore on her or just deal with the chomping! PLEASE ANSWER ONLY IF YOU HAVE HAD THIS SAME PROBLEM OR HAVE EXPERIENCE WITH THIS PROBLEM!

Do live concerts usually use wireless guitars?

Usually it's not the guitar itself that is wireless, the cord goes from the guitar to a receiver pack they usually wear on their back or sides, and that relays the signal to the other receiver connected to the amplifiers. So it is wireless but isn't this is basically so as the band moves around no one gets tripped up or hurt.

LGBT: Hey everyone. Ok so there is this guy at my school?

Whom i have been told is straight, yet when i am around him he acts idk different(i know thats very vague.) He talks about being a man and bjs and lots of other stuff. He doesn't know i am gay so its not like he is just messing with me. I know this is a dumb question but what do you guys think??

Should i watch batman begins before the dark knight?

i have saw all of the old michael keaton and val kilmer batmans,i havent saw any of the new batman films.i watched die hard 4.0 last night and loved looking for something hi octane tonight to watch.if not batman all ideas welcome.thanx x

What are the Kanto badges in pokemon gold?

Ive already beaten all the johto gyms and im now working on the Kanto badges, im not sure which ones im missing tho. Ive beaten blaine, erika, sabrina, surge, blue, brock, and misty. Who am i missing? and where are they?

She speaks to me when she wants to?

little confusing lol, anyways this girl i love, i told her my feelings towards her (we did date and then split cause of another person), and then i said i wasnt gonna chase her anymore and i havent. One day after 2 months of rarely talking we talked and ofc i still had feelings for her but i didnt show them. She told me it would be best to get over her and am trying. Anyways we rarely talk, and shes always around my friend and doing things with him almost infront of me. Today she randomly started talking to me and showing me music videos. I get the feeling when shes bored of this guy she comes to me. also i know this guy is trying to make me jealous. So any advice? and help? thanks in advance!

Html: need help make scrolling text box without a marquee tag?

for cl i have to make a scrolling text box without using the tag. does anyone know how to do this? i have endlessly searched the internet & cannot find how to do it.

Is it to risky to carry a small digital camera on you in Rio De Janeiro during Carnaivale?

I'm just wondering if I should just buy disposbale cameras instead so I avoid the prentenious touristy - come and mug me look.

JWs. Do you beleive that Jesus ever told lies to make a point?

Every time that I post a Q like yours here it gets deleted and I get suspended!!! so I have a link to my blog I feel that this is a very interesting question that some peope like to ignore because it is gory!

What do the number like ( 1857, 5927, D18 ect.) mean in the Katekyo Hitman Reborn! series fanfiction?

I see it when I look for Reborn fanfiction, when they put pairings together, but i'm not sue what it means or who its suposed to represent.

Help with fleas?

You should use Frontline SPRAY (not the spot-on). The spray is OK after 2 days old, provided that you 'll make sure the mother won't lick them and they won't lick each other or themselves while they are still wet. Don't use too much, 2 pressures of the soray on each kitten is fine, avoid their eyes. Also selamectin (I don't know the brand name in the US, could be Advantage) spot on is OK after 6 weeks, but you must use the correct dosage for their age (15-25 mg ampoules, I think)

Is it dangerous to have scar tissue under your kneecap?

I've had knee problems for 3 years. There was no injury, and XRays, MRIs, and CT scans show no tears in the joint or surrounding ligaments/muscles. From what I've been told, the muscles on the medial part of my kneecap are very tight and do not allow my kneecap to move correctly. I have never had surgery. One of the symptoms that I have is crunching and catching in my kneecap. My physical therapist told me that this was because of scar tissue in the joint. Is it dangerous to have scar tissue under my kneecap? And how is it possible that I have scar tissue when i had never had an injury, nor have I ever had surgery?

I-485 and EAD for family based petition?

The first comment is WRONG.If the son came into the US legally he WILL be able to legally acquire permanent residency provided he is still under the age of 21 & simply overstayed .The son has to wait until the PD is current before he can file.

Can you believe that Joe Talamo got into the KC Derby!?!?

talamo can ride, but he is exactly whats wrong with racing today. a jock that flips, is headstrong, makes a lot of mistakes, he gets good mounts but for every talamo there's 10 jocks that can ride better just don't kiss @** as well as he does. hes not very athletic or strong because he hasnt eaten a meal in 2 or 3 years. hes alot like dylan williams. hes still growing and he might be too big for this game.

How do you rank your Police Officers?

I honestly feel that the officers in my city do the best that they can with their limited resources and backing. we need a Chief who is not afraid to remove the silk gloves and replace them with a " take back the streets mentality" unfortunately,I don't see this happening anytime in the near future.

Should Conservatives rescind their support for Israel?

No. Why would we want to stop supporting what is arguably our greatest friend while STILL sending "aid" to our enemies? Would it not be wiser to stop support of countries like Saudi Arabia and other known terrorist states?

Certain areas of my body needs more weight loss .....?

I don't know what you are currently doing but to lose weight in the areas you specified you need to do three things, lots of cardio, very little carbs and bad fats, and take a fat burner. First thing when you wake up in the morning get on either of those machines, it doesn't matter which one, and do 30-45 minutes of cardio at your target heart rate. (I ume you know what that is, if you don't, look it up because that is crucial.) Only have heavy carbs during your breakfast meal. For lunch and dinner only eat meat and green veggies (salad or green beans). Have protein shakes for snacks. Use the free weights every other day in the afternoon doing various things for arms and legs ect. After that hop back on the bike or whatever and do another round of cardio

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Have you eaten a sucker with insects?

The other day my cousin was eating one of those lollipop with an encased scorpion. As far I can tell, those are real.

How you I get rid of an ad pop up on my Computer?

It's called an Ad Rotator. The window would pop up with different ads from companies like target, tmobile and other wedsites. My security company can't seen to help. My spyware deletes it everyday but it comes back even if am online or not. I do have DSL so I understand I'm always online, but this thing pops up if am use excel or something.

Do you need it daily?

Well I personally require a young asian boy to fondle my and lick my clean daily, but that's just me.

Which is Better Novocaine or Laughing gas?

im going to the dentist to get some cavities filled in and i've had some bad experiences with dentists so im not gonna lie im scared. lol anyways i wanted to know which one is better to ask for and i appreciate everyones imput =]

My bf is having rotator cuff surgery Thursday, how long is recovery time for an operation like this?

This depends on the Dr. and ur BF- It will be the Doctor that gives him the green flag re: his recovery period. Good luck on Thursday- Tell him I wish him good luck. Each person is different. I do have a site below that can perhaps enlighten you more on this surgery and the postop time involved. Good question. Just leave it to the Dr. to give you this answer.

Do pheromones really work ?

I tried the ones in a bottle, didn't notice a difference. I did notice when I would wear different colognes, I would notice different reactions. I notice there were some colognes that had women going crazy at work. I notice when I would wear good cologne I would have about 2 to 3 girls at work giving me compliments. Its like magic because I would notice more girls starting conversations with me. Even when you don't notice, if a girl likes your cologne she will tell other girls and it makes you attractive in a way. Pheromones didn't work for me at all but cologne did.

Audition question!?

will answer sweet and to the point.there is not any specific song for certain show. what u want to do is pick a song that best show what u can do.

For you zodiac freaks, I have a question questions about the meteor shower coming?

So on the thirteenth of this month (december 2010) there is a meteor shower from the gemini or whatever. I am gemini. What does this mean for me? For those of you who believe in that astrology luck/zodiac stuff, is there anything I should do?

Why would slaves want to "follow the drinking gourd"?

because the end of the big dipper is the north star, and they would follow it north. or maybe the drinking gourd was full of purple kool-aid. either answer is correct.

Our hamster has a purple stomach?

unless your hamster was born that way, he may have an internal blockage, or like said before, internal bleeding. If you love your hamster, I would suggest taking him to the vets immediately, this is a very touchy thing to mess with, be careful with him..

Why do SOME BLACK guys PRETEND love can never conquer them?

Well kudos for emphasizing it's SOME black guys and not ALL black guys. But to answer your question, I think it's fear. Fear in losing their tough/cool guy demeanor they work oh so hard at protecting. I don't even bother with such losers... it's all so fake and pathetic. These will be the same guys who are single at 45 complaining that they can't find a "good" woman.

How does Ontario Works treat Income Tax Refunds 2?

I appreciate your comment. I'm hoping to find out where I stand first before I make Ontario Works aware of my income tax refunds. I am aware of which types of income must be reported to OW (as you have pointed out); but OW laws and policies are ambiguous on how 'income tax refunds' should be treated. The Act, The Regulations, and the Directives do mention that Ontario Tax Credits, GST Credits, and Child Benefit Tax Credits are considered exempt income for the month intended; but what about the other portion of a refund not derived from these tax credits? The law does not actually specify anything on how the rest of the refund should be treated. Also, the law mentions (albeit unclearly) that these exempt tax credits may be considered as chargeable 'ets' in the month following the receipt of the refund. There appears to be room for how this Income Policy can be interpreted by a local administrator. Since different local OW offices have their own application of the provincial directive

Is it normal for my dog to stand higher on it's hind?

Several breeds are higher in the rear than in the front, a Bichon is one of them. At 5 months, your Dogue hasn't developed his mature stature yet, but I would not worry about it. If you bought your dog from a breeder, she/he should be able to answer your question and show you all kinds of pictures.

Do you guys like my drawing? (pics included)?

OMIGOD OMIGOD OMIGOD THAT IS AMAZINGG!!!!!!!!(Spider:what the hell why are you on my account Chloe? Chloe:I am nooot on ur account spider I mean aahahahh *runs* spider:-_-')

How hard does he have to get to complete ?

it supposed to get hard and not slip out if his is really short it slips out or if hes gay his is short from what u told us mine dosent slip out till i *** like 3 times and gets soft

What kind of government does the Egyptian people want?

They want a democracy where they can do as they like and feel free which has been denied them the last 30 odd years, but its any body's guess as to what the army is going to do in the next few days as at the moment they are sat on the fence but my guess it will go into action in the next two days and it will be a macre as most of the 8M in Cairo want freedom and it will spread to Alex, Port-Said, Suez !smailia bringing in a few more millions of people so its a case all this could stop if Murbark should step down now'

Do movies like cheech and chong, use "real" marijuana?

That movie is completely fake. At the time it was made the US establishment would have locked them up and thrown away the key if it had been real. (Come to think of it, they still would)

Where is the closest place to Springfield, MO to buy Salvia?

I know you can't get it in Missouri but you can in Arkansas. So I was wondering if anybody knew anyplace near the Missouri-Arkansas border to buy Salvia. Thanks for the answers but please don't chastise me about the dangers of it. I've researched it a ton and I have a decent idea of what I'm trying to get in to.

How much would a black opal antique mens ring be worth?

Not enough information, gotta have size, shape, quality, etc. Best to take it to a Gemologist and have it rated there, they are the experts on this.

How can i make my warrior yu-gi-oh deck better?

dude no offense but hope to hell your kidding.... you just have a bunch of random cards. You need to first cut down on the numbers, keep it around 40-43 cards in your deck. Second the list you have provided has some card you can only have 1 of like heavy storm and mystical space typhoon. Try this Just pick 10 spells 10 traps and 20 creatures of the 20 creatures use 1 level 7-10 monster and 2 level 5-6 monster's. Focus on the spells and traps that will really benefit you like spells and traps that destroy,Control or negate your opponents monsters/traps.

What exactly is a small stipend?

I had a gig as a translator at the National Archives, and I was told that they will pay me a small stipend. I went to training day from 6PM to 8PM ...and to the event from 9AM to 4PM. I'm wondering how much I could be getting? What is considered a small stipend?

Cod mw2 10 lobby? willing to pay 4000 msp!?

ok and can he do it for 1600 or just 4000msp if he could ask him to do it for 1600 k and i want to invite 1 of my friends

What DS RPG should I buy?

I definatly reccommend Pokemon HeartGold, Pokemon SoulSilver, Pokemon Black, and Pokemon White. But if you have a flashcard like an R4 or an Acekard (one of those DS cards you can play downloaded games on), then I reccomend you get Tales of Innocence, it's a japanese game, if you buy it off Ebay you won't understand anything, if you have a flashcard then you can download a patch to translate the japanese into english.

Why does my friend treat me like crap?

she is probably feeling conflicted about her feelings for you. just ask if you can talk to her in private and explain to her how you feel and how you feel about the way she has been treating you .let her know that you will always be there for her weather or not you are together i personally think that if it was meant to be she would find her way back to you and into your heart it may take a little while for her to find that path but like i said if it was meant to be it is

Feelings towards parents?

Is there a psychological term for peoples feelings towards their parents? For example, just disregarding what they say and think its stupid and telling them that. But, its not being spoiled, I see it with everyone. I feel bad for friends parents, it seems unprovoked. Maybe its worse for teens, but all of my friends do it with their parents, and I catch myself doing it with mine. Any help is appreciated.

Hollyoaks, will you miss any of these characters when they leave (14 of the cast have been axed)?

I just emailed you asking you who was being axed! I'm surprised with Newt and Spencer I thought their characters were quite strong. I like Zac and Kris but if Kris is leaving willingly, they can't stop him I guess. Lol this is half the cast!

Monday, August 15, 2011

I would like to build a web-site: How is it done?

Hi you create your new website without any risk. you have more free web site providers are online. you can select a favorable and site. you must select the domain name.then you continue the comments.

Some healthy foods..what to stay away from.?

Never drink soda. Drink lots of water around 1/2 gal to 1 gal determining on BMI. Natural and organic foods are a plus anything that is processed try and stay away from.

I cannot sleep without my boyfriend...why is this?

Maybe You are just use to having someone there at night. And since he is the only one there its obvious you need him. Because whe he is not around you are fine without him, so I dont think you love him or anything I just think you are use to him there. I say leaving is the best thing. or making him sleep when you go to sleep but thats kind of wrong. Hope it all works out...

Samsung Wave S8500 bada software lost?

while i was updating my handset on kies the update gave me an error msg and now i dont have any software on my handset so it is not working anyone knows how to reinstal a bada software or from where shall i get it

Random Girls approach me why?

chill.. probably because you're cute and you look older than you are... as for the old lady, i think she was just being nice... don't be so paranoid

Around how much does RIT clothing dye cost?

the powder ones are going to cost about 3 ish & the liquid one (the one i use) is going to cost about 6~7 dollars depending on where you go. you can find coupons from michaels in the mail or newspaper and get 40percent off.

HELP!! my cats r fighting?

ok so i have 2 is myn...the other is my friends. were takin care of her while shes gone....myn i a boy and hers is a girl....we kept the girl inside and the boy outsside...we let the girl cat outside with the boy and were fightin like crazyy...he keeps scratching her and everything..wat should i mom sais i have 2 put both cats outside cuz one still has fleas... wat should i do??

How would a vet treat a feline with conjestive heart failure?

My sister had this cat for 14 years. She took her to the vet because the cat was breathing funny. The doctor told her there was fluid in the cats lungs nothing else. He treated her with Lasix. My sister begged the vet to stablize the cat before she brung her home. The cat was not eating or taking water when she got home. My sister gave her water with an eye dropper. The vet did not tell my sister the cat had conjestive heart failure. He just said water in the pleural cavity surrounding the lung. This cat was an indoor cat and very spoiled. She was rather heavy and my sister always fed her the best food she could afford. Anyway, my sister found out what the cat had after rushing her in to the after hours vet and he recommended the cat be put to sleep. My sister was shocked because she got the impression the cat could be treated. Was the vet neglectful in not telling her what the cat was diagnosed with in the first place? Why did he not keep the cat until she was stable?

Your thoughts on the girls' name Juniper (JOO-ni-per)?

I'm not normally a fan of unique names but I quite like this. The spelling is sensible which I like! It's cute for a baby and little girl, I'm not so sure for a teenager or adult - that depends on her personality but if she's conservative she could always go by June which is nice too.

Whadda ya think about this....?

I think your public figure pay cut is a fantastic idea, unfortunately it's never going to happen because these people don't actually understand people like me and you.

Getting a Job in England or Australia when I don't have a visa or work experience?

Hi guys I am a BBA student from Karachi, Pakistan and the fact is that I don't have any work experience or a visa at the moment but want to get a full-time job in either England and Australia. So I wanted to know what is the process to get a job when at the moment I don't have a visa or work experience because some people I ask say that you first apply for a job and if the firm hires you then it sponsors you and you can the get a visa but most job sites I go to state that you must already have permission to work in either UK or Australia or demand experience. So can anyone please clear this matter up and give me guidance?

Persuasive Essay Help?

I'm an 8th grader who needs to write a short persuasive essay, but I'm having trouble thinking of a topic. I prefer to write about animals and/or the environment. :P Please don't suggest: White Tiger Inbreeding, Deforestation, Recycling, Polar Bears & Global Warming - etc, since i've done a report on all of those this year, nor that overused topic of using animals for research. And also...please don't bother telling me to come up with something myself. ;D Please and thankyou.

Fragment of a song im writing, what do you guys think?

That's so good. I really like it, especially "there is but one thing, that i think you should know. There is no such thing as a one way road"

Why was the Apocrypha removed from theOriginal KJV bible? Did not Revelation speak of not adding or taking awa?

Cherry picking. All along the way. From the scriptures included in the Bible, to what choose to follow, it's all cherry picking.

Was my mom being reasonable?

Even though your mom probably shouldn't have acted in that manner, it's still her house and you asking her to "not come upstairs" is pretty rude of you.

What can i wear to the mall with friends?

just take off the blazer and the vest and loosen up the tie, youll look really trendy and im sure itll be more comfy. have fun :)

If God and Satan are at war with each other, trying to recruit souls for their armies...?

i don't know if God is at war. He already knows he will win. What he is doing is watching the free will at work. looking to see who will choose Satan and who will choose Him. Satan knows he will be destroyed and is trying to take as many of Gods people as he can with him.

Why isn't anyone in congress proposing cutting the 2 wars since we are worried about deficits now?

1.5 trillion dollars a year, if I remember my "illions" correctly, that is a lot more than a measly 40 billion.

Does such a tool in image editing programs exist?

could you just use the clone or bandaid blend or healing tool to do that.?Could you use the Iwarp to shrink the ummmm not so modest parts and move the more modest parts into place once again with Iwarp. I've done shrinking augmentation with it. While I didn't send the augmentation( I sent the smoothed, iwarped/light correction etc pic. While I won't get into specifics the Iwarp is a fairly easy tool for that.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Is this Man Utd? Football fans?

When i browse any football news site, its the only news of saying ''Spurs'' to be ''Man Utd'' at White Hart Lane? Is this gonna Happen or Man Utd gonna get all the 3pts outta the game or Man Utd will still be ''Unbeatable'' ?

Does this sound like a good horse job i should take on?

Do you think a job where you make $0.50 for every saddle you put on a horse, $0.50 for every cinch you tighten, $0.50 for every water bucket you fill, $0.50 for every time you brush a horse, $0.50 per stall that you clean. the stalls are really neat and are not really dirty. $0.50 for hanging halters up. $0.50 for unsaddling, $10 every time you give an hour lesson. 25% of the profit if you are in the lead on a trail ride. 10% if you are in the drag the whole time. usually get around $50 worth it tips each day. the stable has 25 horses i have to saddle and unsaddle, brush and clean each horse every day and do all of this. The place is a riding stable where young adults and kids come to ride during the summer and on weekends they also do over night trails i get payed for that also. Do you think this would be a good job i have another offer but i don't want to have to move 4 hours away. This job adds up to about $70 on a good day. its 45 min. away from my current house im worried i will end up spending more on gas getting their than i will get payed but $70 a day adds up to a pretty good bit at the end of each week. I also have to drive the tractor and repair stuff around the barn i can physically do all of this with ease.

They wont accept me ...?

My bf's parents hate me, Im not talkin nt 2 keen on me here they actually hate me!! When myslef & bf got together over a yr ago things were fine, I was in full time job, so was he but he also had a hobby of singing in a band (Which he had been apart of for 6 years n ment a great deal to him). The band had not been signed and they had been trying for years 2 "make it" as a boy band (Dont laugh) lol. Unfortuantely 3 days into our relationship I was diagnosed with a brain tumour which at the time did not know if it was cancerous or benigin until the op had been done, you can imagine the bombshell esp wen ur only 25!!! As my bf was in this band it ment he had to spend alot of time rehearsing with the band & also alot of time on the road. In fact the weekend after I was idiagnosed he had a gig in Belfast which ment him spending a whole week rehearsing then a wkend in Ireland & spending no time at all with me, this cause a huge row, selfish maybe? but I just wanted some1 there after my news.

Was it a mistake for the GOP to vote against pandemic flu funding in the stimulus?

I'm fairly certain the entire bill got the NO from Republicans, but don't let that stop you from your witch hunt.

Oppressive Husbands & Ignorance?

Don't cruel boyfriends become cruel husbands? Pick wisely muslim women... you can't be that ignorant where you can't spot someone that is obviously cruel and oppressive... although money is the root of all evil, and if it's money that you seek first, then you must put up with the evil that comes with it, and who is to say that you are entitled to any of that money?

How does someone die 8 hours later of hypovolemia in the the emergency room!?

i am 18 years old and my mother ped away when i was 13. dec. 17th 2003, her and her boyfriend robbed a gas station in lufkin, Texas. during the get away chase, they crashed head on with another car in a residential neighborhood. my mom was on the pengers side and wasnt wearing her seatbelt so she was thrown from the car. then the cop that was chasing them ran her over. on her death certificate it says that the main cause of death was hypovolemia. then a pelvic fracture with hemorrhage. and the last two causes were a splenic laceration and respiratory failure. she died 8 hours after the accident and she was air lifted to the hospital. now how does someone die 8 hours later in the emergency room? couldnt they have given her blood? isnt that why we donate our blood to these blood banks? in those 8 hours couldnt someone have stopped the bleeding? checked for internal bleeding? something!? ive watched shows where people have gotten shot in the head and still lived! i just need someone to clear somethings up for me... any e.r. doctors that can help me understand this???

Defining the archangels?

Let me start off by saying I have looked in the bible and done a lot of research about the archangels. Unfortunately, I keep finding different definitions about each one. I am trying to find the definition of each of the following angel's jobs. Raphael, Michael, Gabriel, Uriel. Please when you answer the question, under the source category either list your religion, denomination, or whatever source you have to explain why you think that job is that SPECIFIC Archangel's. For instance: i have heard that Gabriel is strictly god's messenger. I have also heard he is strictly god's "general in the army". So sources are helpful. NOTE: If you do NOT believe in angel's, are non-religious, anti-religious or anything else...please keep negative comments to yourself. I don't judge or reticule you for your beliefs. Please have the courtesy to act the same way to me. Thank you.

Opal engagement rings? ?

Others have given good advice. Another thing to consider is the construction of the stone itelf. Opals are made in what are known as singles, doublets and triplets. Singles are one solid piece of stone (very expensive and not common). Doublets are made by joining two pieces of stone together, and triplets are made by joining three pieces of stone together. Doublets and triplets are much more common, and more fragile, than singles. Knowing what kind of stone you have will help you in deciding if it's fit for daily wear, and how to care for it. I had a lovely, large triplet opal that I bought while in Australia. It cracked very easily, with a large chunk coming out. Sometimes chips can be reparied, but not always, and you don't always have the broken piece to use in the repair.

Would you let your teen/young adult sleep in the cabin in the backyard? How would a mother feel?

Sure, I would let them fix it up and sleep and hang out there. Teenagers need a place to escape to, and after all, it is in your backyard.

Method Man or Redman?

M-E-T-H-O-D MAN! The Wu albums are the best just listen to 'em online and if you like them get'em. (btw "Method man" is a really good song check it out!

Why is my Indoor Cat eating the Puppy's food?

cats are very territorial...she's probably just trying to tell the puppy who is boss, especially if she is still eating her food.

Is it common to for an Xtacy addict to have a bad stuttering problem?

Unfortunately I know of someone that caused me to read up more on this addiction. I know it's supposed to give an initial "rush feeling" and I wanted to know if this contributes to a possible stuttering problem. I don't know what all is involved in the drug but I found an article saying that certain drugs may cause cerebral problems linked to stuttering and I want to know if it is in XTC? I noticed the person had times when his speech was incomprehensible compared to others.

What company could I model for?

I'm 5"3 so I know runway is out of the question.But could I be a catalog model.I heard Hot Topic don't care about height (even though that's not really my style I would still do it if my only option) Are there any other places I could model for.I'm 5"3 17 yr 100 pounds 34 in chest 23 in waist 34 in hips I wear US size one and two I have very clear skin that's fair gold eyes high cheekbones and blonde hair.How much of a chance would I have?I'm not going to do glamor model by any means because I don't want sick men looking at me.Im engaged and would find glamor morally wrong.

How to get a really fat ?

i know this is a weird question an all, but how do i get a really fatt one? like im up for any workouts or certain foods. i dont want to hear that i was born the way i was and to deal with it...

Supernaturally-speaking, what do you imagine heaven to be like?

I heard someone (experienced an out-of-body) describe it as a total presence of peace. This person who died and went to heaven said he was the same size, shape, as the person he had seen in the mirror for years, his clothes were translucent to his gaze, and he could see through his body. There were no bones, blood or vessels or organs. It was not a carnal body. He also said there was no time lag between thought and act. A word spoken or thought, became fact. He was aware of the Lord of Lords everywhere about the place. I can't wait to see heaven! What are your thoughts?

Should I get an american express card?

I believe you should, and try to get some more free stuff from your bank. In these hectic times, banks are trying to get more business, and will be very easy to sway with your history of good payments and long membership. Try and get insurance cover for a vehicle or something, maybe even for six months. I'm sure you can get your credit increase, just be clear and concise about what you want.

Protestants, how does it feel seeing your beliefs listed in the "List of Christian heresies"?

You do realise that Wikipedia is not, necessarily, factual and can be edited by us don't you? Any crackpot can put what they want on there and, unless someone else notices inaccuracies they can stay there. Much will still there long enough, before removal, to have deceived many who think this is as factual as an encyclopaedia.

How can i fade my coloured hair?

I'm afraid if you want to go from dark to blonde visit the hair dressers. I dyed my hair black for a year, and boy did I regret it at the end. I had to have a full head of highlights with a toner to bring up only a few shades of my hair, if you do it in one go it will seriously damage your hair. And if you go to somewhere who says it doesn't are lying. It is the only way you will remove that reddish tone. Get it done once, bring up a few shades with it, and they will be able to even the colour for you also. Then wait a few months, then you can either dye it blonde yourself or go to the hairdressers again.

Can 12 month olds have ravioli?

I had some 'mini' ravioli (chef boy r dee) and have no idea what to make for lunch tomorro (am going to the store tomorrow evening) but was wondering if there is any reason I can't give it to them for lunch? They eat pretty much what we eat now, with the exception being that whatever they eat has to be kinda soft, one of them still only has 2 teeth! lol

I'm transferring colleges, I'll be living on campus, social advice?

Talk to a lot of people in your cl, and invite people to your dorm, go hang with people at there room, my brother told me the same thing at my new school now I'm one of the best known kid in school also talk to all new students I'm only in 8th grade but my brother is in college and transferred twice and it worked for me

My parents is actin weird an my mom is bein a witch!?

I think ur dad is bi cuz most dude dont tell there workers to take there clothes off... or have with them in the woods. that might be y ur mom is like that..

What can I make for dinner with these ingredients?

Too bad you don't have a crust of bread - you could make yourself a nice pizza, and top it off with a pillow over your face.

Is running a stop sign and killing someone a crime?

If you completely run a stop sign (which is a punishable crime) and it causes a fatal car accident, wouldn't the driver be criminally negligent? Because the driver has broken a law that resulted in the death of another? Wouldn't it be strange if some 17 year old girl broke the law and killed your son and she got off with nothing?

Which is the best GPS Navigation and portable?

So many choices: Garmin, Magellan, Tom Tom, even cell phones. Lb for lb let me know who's better. Thanks.

On kingdom hearts one where is the rope on the inside of gizmos shop?

on kingdom hearts 1 you are supposed to pull a rope on the inside of the shop so u can use the red trinity on the roof. Where is that rope?

Were the rivers Tigris and Euphrates a hindrance to the growth of ancient societies in the region?

A hindrance? Isn't it the COMPLETE opposite? The rivers created a fertile zone which spawned civilization.

Can't remember the name of a movie?

Okay, the movie is an animation movie (like Coraline), one of the main characters is a girl with gles and all I remember is her sending a letter? to an older man, who is lonely and hates his life. Her mother is also a drunk. Anyone?

Setup dial up service?

First of all shut down your computer and then start it again and then connect your phone line to your PC and load the disk you have and try to install.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Why in canada foliage turns red in the fall?

It happens in the USA also. When the temperature drops low enough a change takes place in the plant and it starts to store sugar. This changes the color of the leaves and they fall off in preperation for winter.

Who is your favorite author?

I am really into Margaret George right now, as she is an amazing author in my favorite genre, historical novels.

Christians - how exactly should I take a message such as this one?

You should take that message and submit it directly to Fundies Say The Darnest Things. It will probably make the top 100 quotes

Liabel insurance co.-breach in privacy to onesself-invasion of privacy?

Ive been invaded by someone who seeks to benefit by my being smeared.My privacy has been breached and living in hell.Ive tried talking to people about it,but its like they don't want tobe bothered by it!

Which part of the los angeles county is nice place to live?

I am thinking about moving to Los angeles county but I don,'t know where is a safe place to live. I have heard that Pasdena and Burbank is nice but it is so expenivse I would like a house with really great pool

Questions about who is and who is not a Hawaii local?

The second is closer, but neither is "local" in the sense of actually having largely grown up on or spent significant time in the islands themselves. Neither should refer to themselves as "local."


Cats are just fine in small places. Remember cats like vertical spaces too, so if there are things they can jump up to, like the counters or the top of the fridge, they're very happy. Is it your parents' flat? If you live alone, you might consider building cat shelves on your wall or getting a cat tree for them to play in.

Is it worth to be fat ?

I'm a 15 yrs old teen girl and I'm normal right now, but I want to restart eating what I want like McD's, school yummy stuff, puddings ,( +healthy stuff too ) and I know that I'll gain back my weight so do you think is worth it ?

WHY are we bailing out the banks who got us into this? Who helps us when we need it? Thoughts below...?

It is a nice idea but will never happen. AIG was a bridge loan because they are cash poor and needed time to sell some ets. However, instead of being respectful that the US government (ie taxpayer) helped them out, the top executives went to a spa and spent $400,000. These people need to be brought up on fraud charges, not only at AIG but other executives who got the country to this point. This isn't a matter of making a mistake. It is a matter of ignoring the facts and taking all the money they could grab. Truthfully, some companies need to be helped out because if they do fail the effects would be devastating...the loss of tens of thousands of jobs

How to make a video on youtube?

i do not khnow how to start where do i go how do i get vids i'm trying to make a VERY cool ashley tron that will really KHNOCK your socks of ''snort'' ''snort'' ''snort'' LOL no really thanks

Is a SAT score of 1650 good?

I am looking at schools such as NYU, Baylor, Texas Christian, University of Colorado, California State University, and more that are similar to these schools. Is 1650 an acceptable score to get into these schools?

Should i do my backhandspring on the gr? help!?

if you did a standing back handspring by yourself on the spring floor, you could do it anywhere by yourself because you weren't actually using the spring. i wouldn't do it without a spotter if i were you because you might not have enough height to get over easy enough and you might hurt yourself. you could do it with someone who knows how to spot properly, don't do it with someone who doesn't know how to spot because if you were to fall, you would get hurt because they wouldn't have you right.

What are some good combined retirement and birthday party ideas?

My mom retires Friday after 33 years at her job as a secretary.My nephew's 5th birthday is on the same day. I want to throw them a small, family only party. I want to have my sister, her husband, my niece (age 6), my father and boyfriend attend. I plan on having the party at my parent's house (my apartment is too small) on Friday evening. I want it to be more elegant for my mom but also fun for my nephew. I would like to serve appetizers and cook a special dinner something kid friendly yet elegant (chicken parmesan or salisbury steak). Maybe separate cakes (vanilla for mom, chocolate for nephew), cheap champagne to toast the retirement and sparkling cider to toast the birthday, etc...(this is where you fill in your ideas on things)

Luggage help! (emirates airlines)?

so me and my mom are travelling from DXB (Dubai's Airport) to KHI (karachi) since we both are allowed 30 kg does it matter if we have 3 suitcases but they are within 60kg? can we do that or will we have to pay some extra luggage money? and also i can carry electronics right? such as consoles.

Bulldog breeding????

I'm thinking of breeding my dog Snoopy. He's 1 yr. old, and he's in a lot of heat!! I was thinking of breeding him with a 2 yr. old bulldog is it the right time to breed?? how old do bulldogs have to be to breed???

Redoing my room and i need a lil help?

okk hello im redoing my room o already reapinted and i painted it behr 640B (they look better on the walls) and now im getting a new carpet new bedding a new bed and probly a new tv stand ok now i want this rug a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a but it purple and i want this beding a href="|59488|60551" rel="nofollow"…/a but its also purple and im afraid everything will just kinda blend to gether what do u think and also all my forniturre is white my desk bed and night stand if that helps please answer soon thanks bye in advance

What is the best method of checking world population-a dangerous phenomina-by persuation or.....?

we are more than 700 crores and increasing day by day. earth area is less than the oceans. how to accommodate such a vast population, besides the consumption of things is simultaneously increasing. govts. are aware, uno is aware but the measures are meagre. China was in forefront to check, but as is understood they also want population increase. the solution has to come out, that is to be known.........?

What noise does pac-man make?

a lot of people have been describing it as a 'bada bada bada bing', and i think its more of a 'waga waga waga woo woo woo... lol

ins creed: Who is Altair?

The protagonist of AC 1. He a master in stripped of his rank for breaking the three bylaws that the Brotherhood of ins lives by. For that, he is given the chance to redeem himself by assassinating 9 targets who are pretty despicable people. After the events of the game, he manages to invent a new fighting style and new equipment for future Assassins. He is the one in the white robe. Ezio, a distant descendant by some 400 years, is the one in the dark robe.

Where is "Chiron" located in our solar system?

Chiron was a centaur. I am not aware of any solar system objects named for him. You may be thinking of Charon, the largest moon of Pluto.

What do you think? Suggestions, comments, ratings?

You should have less details and it should be more mysterious so its more of a page-turner. :) Right now it sounded like a chapter, but if you make some changs, i think it would make a really nice prologue. Hope i helped :)

How would you describe this evil woman for what she does?

She made her daughter abort her baby 6 months after the wedding, because she thought if people knew that her daughter was pregnant before the wedding she would look like a slut. Now her daughter is mentally scarred for life and she does not care. Her son was going to cancel getting married two days before the wedding. So he went and asked his father what he should do and his father said pull of the wedding because it is a lifetime commitment, but then she came along forced him to marry her so now he is a mental nutcase. She would antagonize her husband all the time by making him angry so he would take his frustration out on the kids and beat them up which she enjoyed. She gossips trying to find peoples personal Information and back stabs everyone including her children and grandchildren with no mercy. She loves to friction in her family and cause anger and pain by turning everyone against each other. She is remorseless in what she does and has no mercy on anyone. She also tried to force her daughter in law to go to go to a family function while she was extremely sick. She loves to have people become her slave because she is a very demanding person and usually she gets her way.

Kitten likes cantaloupe?

I wouldn't think it would hurt your kitten but you might want to research it a little. I feed my dog apple slices every once in a while and it doesn't seem to hurt her.

Two middle names for our girl twin?

Although I'm generally not a fan of two middle names, I think that if the boy twin is going to have two, then it'd be nice for the girl twin to have two as well. Especially because then it also means that you get to use both the names you love. Evangeline Luna Fleur is pretty. I think Evangeline Fleur Luna flows well too. If you decide to only use one middle name though, I prefer Evangeline Fleur. :]

Why do i still miss her :(?

we were together for 3 in a half years. we were engaged. we both did extremely hurtful stuff to one another. but we still had tons of laughs and were crazy about each other. I called off the engagement then she ultimately called off our relationship. now its beeen 7 months. and i miss her still like crazy.. i love her still. why does it still hurt... i havent kissed a girl since her.. i want to move on cause i know she hates me(im not sure why) and has spreaded lies about me to where ive lost friends :( good friends :( it was a very bad breakup. why do i even still care? how can i get over her? ive mourned heavily, given time to friends, prayed, wept bitterly, and lately ive been staying active with friends, but i still think about her... honestly i want her back.. but i know i cant :( so how do i move on :'( cause frankly.. this sucks.

If the TV News says your a Murderer or a Drug smuggler, are you one then?

The news people are usually pretty careful to say 'accused drug smuggler' or something like that. Even if the person has gone to court and found guilty, they will usually say 'convicted drug smuggler'. Why? Because if it turned out they were wrong they would probably get sued. So, when or if you hear something from a source like the news, or even an attorney for example, listen carefully to what they say. I would say if a person is trying to get you to believe they (or someone else) is a drug smuggler by using the news as a source, I would not believe it without further proof of some kind.

Then There Were Three...Lib Dems To Resign This Evening After Voting On The Treaty Of Lisbon...?

Yes - all three major political parties had a referendum in their manifestos on the european constitution - this constitution has now been renamed a treaty. As it is 96% the original constitution (so say its authors) then can 96% of us have a vote? Somehow I don`t think so - but what can you expect from a bunch of no hopers, many of whom have not had a real job in their lives!?

Subs, neon, and touch screen radio in dash. Do I need an extra power supply?

I have 2 12 aplines with a 750 watt bazooka amp and I'm about to get some interior and exterior neon plus a touch screen radio in the dash instead of the one in it I need an extra power supply or can my car battery handle all of this. Personally, I think it couldn't but if I need another battery for a power source can I get a custom box made. It's an 07 silverado if that means anything with a duramax battery not brother fried the other one

I Wrote This Rap, opinions?

Whoa! that is amazing! I see ur good composition and while reading it I have an idea of what the flow sounds like, keep writing, i want to read more, goodluck

Is it wrong to be in an interracial relationship?

There's nothing wrong being in an interracial relationship. But, for you young man.. you should know that there are people who are racists.. and they just wont go away. Discrimination is a part of everyday life for work, in school or even in a bus. You just happen to have been in a situation where ..lets face it.. a father would never ever want to see... you can never blame your girlfriends father for treating you that way. why dont you ask yourself.. if you would be a father one day, how would you feel or react if you see a naked guy ( with an ) in front of your daughter? always remember.. interracial rel is never wrong..its what you guys were doing that was wrong.

Lifeguard..JSA please help!?

I am on job seekers allowance, And I want to do a NPLQ lifeguard course which costs around �150 As i dont have alot of money do you think job seeker would fund it for me..

Does most blood enter the ventricles even before the atria begin to contract?

No. When the atria contract, the ventricles are then depolarized and empty. The ventrciles fill only after the atria have contracted.

I'm a party girl and my future roommate is a complete bookie!?

Ok, So I enjoy the company of men and having a good time every now and then. and my roomate, melisa, seems like the complete opposite. We've talked on facebook a bunch and she is just into books. I'm into makeup and guys and having fun, and going out. I study and get good grades, but i'm not obsessed with it. she is not that attractive and i'm afraid shes gonna judge me. what should i do?

Which sledge do you find the most interesting among these?

Rod Marsh made sure that Botham took an off-guard but next 3 are typical exchanges between English speaking cricketers, glad Merv Hughes understood what Miandad called him & his reply was a soft one, considering Miandad's good English,else it could have been far worse, my vote for Rod Marsh !!

Differences between plant and animal organs?

you can wikipedia flower ovaries and mammal ovaries. also contrast the xylem and phloem in vascular plants to blood vessels.

Friday, August 12, 2011

How to install new fishing line on a Zepco 33 spinning reel.?

I feel your pain. Here is a tip to get that bugger off. Place the reel in the freezer for several hours and when you take it out. use a towel to grip the face cover and turn it to the LEFT as you are looking at it from the front

Are there any fanfiction sites that have Emmett and Bella pairings?

I think the Emmett and Bella pairing is very cute, and I want to know what sites have this pairing. (Romance genre)

Cameron is did well over Europe in tonight's debate, who do you think gave the best answer?

Brown was soft soaping and Clegg on Attack but no real answer. Brown did not give us the referendum over Europe and brushed over that quickly. Back to if you don't do what I say you are all doomed, like a Bully Again.

Is there any THC in my system?

I havent smoked in 30 days, i am very skinny (165 lbs 6'2.5" tall). I weightlift every other day; run and do sit ups everyday. I've drank lots and lot of water and have taken 6 azo cranberry pills daily the whole 30 days. I have a very high metabolism and eat 6 times daily (low fat and sugar diet, high carbs, protein and fiber). I also did a 7 day detox the first 30 days. If i took a gc/ms drug test today, would i p? gc/ms tests are very sensitive, I want to have absolutley no thc in my system at all, not one drop.

What to do with some tape?

its pretty difficult you actually wrap it around the pen. but be careful if you mess up, pretty much nothing will happen, and you actaully might not waste a bunch of your time

Why Dr. Jose Rizal recognized as the philippine national hero?

Because he was a brilliant polymath. And good-looking and charming. And the fact that he was executed makes him the stuff of myth and legend.

Friends with an ex-boyfriend?

Sorry, but I'm thinking you have to tell him the truth, that you still love him and that you can't be friends with him until you are over him. He may want you back, he may not. I've had to do it too. AND I've had it done to me just recently. He'll respect you if you don't talk to him any more. It'll hurt for the first few months, but it'll be better in the end.

Best Fire-Type Starter (Pokemon)?

Well, I've been playing Soul Silver for like a couple of weeks or so. I'm at the second elite four and I'm about to start preparing my team. I want to have a starter for my fire type and I don't know which one is the best. I have a Typhlosion (lv.47), Charizard (Lv. 39), Blaziken (Lv. 48), and Infernape (Lv.62). Level isn't actually and object, because I have a time-consuming, but effective way to level them up. I'm very fond of them all and my fondness may be getting in the way of my judgement as far as which one is most effective. Can anyone help? :O

My ex still loves me?

All you can do is keep trying, if you don't win her back then you are going to have to let go. Lots of people go through this life lesson and live through it, don't let it rule your life. Rewrite the letter and just ask her to forgive you and that you won't bother her anymore if she doesn‘t want you too but to let you know, tell her it is in her hands, if she does not want you back let her go and move on and remember what you did wrong and don't repeat it. Sorry this seems harsh but life is harsh in many ways and we can not always fix it, it's just the way it is. Good luck and God bless...

What should i do about this girl? (10 points best!!!)?

It was obvious if If I ever saw it she is trying to make you jealous. She still really likes you she just doesn't know how to tell you. You obviously notice when she's making out with him, it is also her way of seeing what kind of guy you are, if you would get jealous of her around other guys. Trust me the minute you come out with your feelings, that other guy is probably history. Go after her, she wouldn't go to all the effort, of putting her and this guys relationship in front you , if she wasn't trying to tell you something. Spilling your feelings is anything but easy , but the next time you have the moment don't think about just do it. Out with it. Good Luck.

As a 30 year old male does this condition make me inadequate ? would it depress you ?

Hi friend 6 inches is fine so forget that worry, your cracked foreskin needs some good cheap moisturiser, like coconut oil, rub it into the head of your as well as the foreskin, always pull your skin back when having a jimmy and try to leave it pulled back as long as you can, ok if your like most blokes your most likely get a bit but your have to put up with that.

What is a good career for my fiancee?

My fiancee curerntly works at Home Depot overnight on the freight team-using a forklift,stocking,unloading trucks etc. He hates working over night and wants something that will pay more and could possibly turn into a lifelong career. He graduated high school but does not have a college education. He is really interested in sports. Any ideas? Even if it doesn't have anything to do with sports, I am open for suggestions! Thanks so much!

IN Bye Bye birdie, what role does the mayor play?

I was wondering this because i am playing the mayor in the play. I was wondering what role does he play in the whole show. (songs? dances? how many scenes?) please answer. thank you

Whats a Good name for my party?

I'm throwing a party at my cottage for a few of my friends and I and I was wondering what I should call this shindig. I was thinking of something like "bro fest 2011" but think thts to cheesy haha. Oh yeah, this party is fer da bois so idt there is a name to vulgar or crude. Thanks for the help, I look forward to the answers. Be creative.

How should I get my hair cut?

I have mid upper arm length with neck length layers and my hair is naturally looks great! Just make sure you dont get the layer too thick and dont get it cut straight across.

Fantasy Basketball Trade ?

I am in a 12 team head to head points league. Every point, ist, rebound, steal and block counts for point, with bonuses for double-doubles. I am out of the running for this year, and someone who can win it offered me K. Love for Nene and T. Ariza. On the surface it is lopsided, but Nene is one of 2 or 3 options for my last keeper slot, and Ariza will not be kept. K. Love has averaged just barely better in PPG on the year than Nene, but is younger, and I have heard a lot of rumors that Al Jefferson could be traded away this offseason. If that happens, Love should get that starting role and could be similar to A. Jefferson in production next year. What do you think? Should I do it?

Poll:Choose one of these 4 signs?

i know many ppl of all these four signs..i can't really choose..u mom is an aries and she says hurtful stuff many times,but i can talk to her when i need to..also my two sisters r scorpio and virgo..i have a mental and spiritual connection with the scorpio and i have sooo much fun with the virgo..the gemini is the one and only love of my life..what can i have ups and downs but for the majority part of time it is magic,no explanation

Wat is this song (yu gi oh abridged)?

Dunno the title, but it appears to be from the end of the game "Um Jammer Lammy". Found the lyrics for the song on a site for the game (source).

Ok I'm going nuts; what happened at the end of Will and Grace? i was not in the country when it ended...?

I haven't got 50 bux to buy the dvd set and want to know what happened on the last few episodes of Will and Grace, did they end up together or did she go to Leo, and did he marry Jack and Karen?

How can I help him:(?

If he says that right now you can't help him, give him his space. But when you see he is down be there for him, ask him if he wants to talk, if he doesn't you need to leave him, and maybe just being with him is enough. Like I said ask him if there is anything you can do like you have been, but at the same time don't over do it. As long as you show concern, and try to throw his mind off things when your with him, then all should be fine. Hope this helped good luck.

This question is for you "N2AUDIO" gettn realy frustrated cant get a straight answer out of anybody on this...?

....well il start by thanking u for all ur help and wide range of knowledge.. So anyway not realy into the kicker squares that u recommended so can u give me 3 good choices for a oair of 12"s that are geared more towards SPL n not so much on the SQ side at a price range of bout 5 to $600 please.. I strictly want hard hittin slammin car shakun trunk rattling b that u can hear comin from pretty far away that u can feel in ur chest n throat! I am mainly looking for something to outslam my current single 15" alpine type R its just not enough for me n dont want to go out n rush into buying 2 12"s that wont give me more b than i started with n waste my money.. I saw a youtube video of a kid with an S-10 oikup truck with ONLY 2 10" Audioques that were sick! Movin his friends hair who was standing outside the ongr window n tle hanging on his rearview was going nuts! How the hell did he achieve that with only two10s from a brand that ive never even heard of?? Lol.. PLEASE HELP DUDE! send me some links or something if u can. Thanx soooo much in advance dude!

Do other religions have a judgement day?

Do they have the concept of judgement in Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism, Shintoism, Zoroastrianism, Jainism, Shamanism, etc? Or is that just in the Abrahamic religions?

I lost my keys to my 1991 chevy silverado ext cab.?

I lost my keys to my truck and i was wondering if anyone knew how to pop the ignition cylinder out without messing up the steering column, or how much you think it would cost for a locksmith to come out on location to make a new one. I live in a small town and the closest locksmith is maybe 15 miles away? what you got?

How can I maximize my rabbit litter size? ?

I have rabbits that I breed and sell for 4H and FFA. My rabbit usually only has 3-4 babies. I hear stories about people who have rabbits having 8 babies and my rabbit is producing less than half that. She is a full grown rabbit too. Average size mix breed. If I breed her with the buck more that day will it make her have a larger litter? Or is it just their genetic make-up?

What would you have done????

alright theres this girl that i like but were friends so im flirting with her to feel her out to see if she likes me. so she didnt sign on messenger for about 3 days now and she sign on today and she said HI so i said Mi bonita(thats a nickname i gave her) i missed you :( she said awwww but why PAUSE i know what i said but i want to know what would you have said. cause what i said was stupid

If you have seen 'The Sentinel' did you feel robbed?

For a film with such a great cast, Kiefer Sutherland, Michael Douglas, Kim Basinger and Eva Longria, I was expecting this to be a really good film. However, it turned into a complete borefest with no suspense, no intrigue and no imagination. Do you agree?

Lincoln Thirteenth Amendment?

Many sources concerning the thirteenth amendment and Lincoln state that he was "instrumental" in ping it. Some even call it "Lincoln's thirteenth amendment", what did Lincoln actually do in terms of helping the thirteenth amendment.

I fix my 1990 Toyota Celia blown head gasket?

why not 1) drain all coolant that way no water will get into engine 2)drill several holes in the radiator 3)blow up your car 4) just fix it right that way i will not be stuck behind you when your pos blows up in rush hour taffic!!!


i m using java mibile but thats capacity is 300 sms . plz tel me software jar nd jad files. nd also tell me tht which can we send 1000 sms by sim in one mint on java software. any one known den tell me. any one pakistani known then msg me at 03442948226: thanx

Do Christians know the bad side of God?

This reminds me of Ed Gein. The serial killer that Hannibal was modeled after.Gein's mother only read him stories of how God Killed and took revenge. Ed Gein ended up killing his brother, digging up graves and upholstering his furniture in human flesh. The moral of this story is... The bible is supposed to be about love and forgiveness, and is just a story.

Is it okay to use a water drying aid if you have a perforated eardrum?

No. There are theoretical concerns, but more immediately, it'll burn like fire. Not the sting of alcohol on a cut, either, but more like jabbing a hot poker into your ear.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Have you ever met sweet babes at the dojo?

In both of the dojos I go, there are some cute girls there. But I've never met one that I was attracted to. You're a lucky . :-P

Problem with boyfriend of 3.5 years younger sister?

Any sister would be jealous of her big brother's girlfriend, especially when its serious. She knows you guys are serious about each other so maybe she's trying to break up in her own way. That's why she says those hurtful words. Think about it. Were you and his sister even close to begin with? Even if you guys were just okay with each other, if you didn't have a close relationship with her then she'll feel like a stranger is just taking her brother away.

Does USMC Commandant Have To P PFT?

Does the Commandant of the United States Marine Corps have to p the annual Physical Fitness Test that all Marines are supposed to do or does he not have to do it since he is the Commandant? I read in a USMC book that even the Commandant is damn proud to be called a Marine. So that means he should be proud to be as fit as a regular grunt. Unlike the other services where the top guys do not wanna be called sailors, soldiers, or airmen. That is why i am asking. Thank You!!!

Now that Proposition 8 ped in California, banning same- marriage...?

the sanctity of marriage is safe. Shouldn't they uphold that "sanctity" by making divorce illegal?

I'm crushing on a guy...everyone thinks he's UGLY!!...what should i do?

Okay we're both sixteen, and we go to the same high school. I really have deep feelings for him. But everytime i tell one of my friends, all they can talk about is how ugly he is. But he's super smart, he's funny, real sweet, and i think we'd be really good together. I'm not that shallow, but i mean yes, looks are important to me. So i mean i don't want our relationship to have to be a secret or anything, but people WILL TALK, once they find out that we're dating. I plan to tell him how i feel about him, and furthering our friendship into something more, tomorrow at school. Do you think i should? Please Help!!

Has any parent had to make to hardest decision ever to let your child go?

I had a baby boy born 10 weeks early due to preeclampsia and after 26 days my husband and I had to make the hardest most toughest decision ever to let him go. I want to know if anyone had to go through the same thing or something similiar? I have talk to people who have had stillborns but its not the same, in the aspect of losing a child yes but thats all.

1894 victoria dei gratia regina coin?

I have a victoria dei gratia regina coin from newfoundland and was wondering how much it is worth. It is a 50 cent piece from 1894. Any clue?

Y is he been like this?

bst friend is a guy and recently he gave me vodka to get drunk then asked me 4 . i refused and told him no then he started swearing n told me 2 gt lost n get out of his house and never to call him again. he made me so upset and he is all off with me and barley talks to me. should i appologise?would this make him start to like me again?

Wrestling Fans: What would you think if...?

That's like asking what happens when the world comes to an end!!! I don't watch TNA though and the best submission? The figure four leg lock and the Gates of Hell.

My Annoying CopyCat Sister?

You cannot make her stop unless you banish her to goblin land. Unfortunately she is doing what a lot of little sisters do. Wile copying you she is looking for her own identity. I think you should worry less about little sis and once she see that it no longer bothers you she will most likely stop. The more you fight her she will continue. Everyone learn their sense of style from someone so we all at some point copy our style from someone else. Time will change things. You have to be patient and let her outgrow this phase. Happy New Year

Which stores you go for to buy your sports equipment and clothes?

lucky for me i use to work for a sports store and i still get prices retailers get. Hence all my 43 jerseys

Are Toro timecutter z ztr mowers good, dependable machines?

Toro mowers in general are good dependable machines but I have never heard of this model. and I dont see it listed on Toro's website

Hallo; I�m searching for the story of aigne?

I have a friend from Africa, who don�t know this story. I searched for it allready by google. But I find only a lot of reclame and a explanation in Wikipedia. But i wanted to find a complete story about aigne. Can some one of you tell me please a webside where I can find a complete story.

Will mgm make two more movies after terminator salvation:future begins?

yeah i remember them saying there would be 3 more after T3, i would say that this new one doesn't look like a conclusion to the story so hopefully there will be more. I cant see arnie being in this one considering his status as governor, it probably would be bad press for him. but since his term is up within the next year hopefully they will throw him into some of the later ones. just my thoughts :)

And the Rangers trade Teixeira for..............?

1. Mainly because I'm a Braves fan. And I think Salty will be a hell of a Catcher and will benefit the Rangers staff and offense. He is rated better than McCann. Has been that way ever since both came into the Braves system.

What figure skates should I get?

well i suggest that you dont buy any of the medallion series skates cuz they are for beginners and you say your a freestyle 1 level i say buy any of the star series skates cuz they are like for freestyle skaters. and i also suggest that you buy any skates that are atleast 3 or 4 more levels more than your current level . and you say your a freestyle 1 skater so i just say buy any of those. well its not the best to buy online but if its the only choice then its kinda fine. but just remember that you type in the correct size.(and those are actually for riedells.......)

Why do people insist oncomparing gay adoption to a heteroual nuclear family?

So, it's evil, it's just the lesser of two evils, or three evils, or however many evils you've got to throw up, I guess.

I think i killed a theif, not in the US..I AM A US CITIZEN!?

nope and nope...the US doesn't do anything for people who kill outside the US...(just look at that poor college student who allegedly killed someone in Italy...)

What WWE Superstar past or present uses or used the most pyro for there entrance?

I think Jericho used a lot of Pyro for his debut in WWE, it was a little over the top, LOL, but he is one of the best, so in a way he deserves the grand entrance.

Carte Noir coffee Advert about 10 years ago!?

Does anyone remember the Carte Noir advert that was on the tv about 10 years ago, with a man and a woman on a boat in the night. It had a really nice song "Try to remember, when life was so tender, and dreams were kept beside my pillow...". Does anyone know who sang it?

Over/Under Pheasant Setup?

I love over unders :D. I'd say use the improved cylinder in the top, and the modified in the bottom. Shoot the bottom first, then the top. That way, when you first acquire your bird, you are probably accurate enough to hit it with a tighter choke, while on the second shot, you won't have as much time after the recoil hits you, so a looser choke will make up for that. All up to you though, personal experience gives the best advice.

Can't remember the name if this movie!!!!! HELP!!!?

It's a movie that I thought had Kristen Johnston in it but I may be wrong. I thought I saw it on Lifetime between 3 and 5 years ago. It's about this woman who is engaged and she goes down to Mexico to get married but she meets this handsome mexican guy and they start hanging out and she falls for him. She catches her fiance cheating on her and she leaves him. Her parents are rich and snooty and they want he to marry the rich guy even though he cheated on her but she choosed to be with the hunky Mexican or Cuban guy! Please help me figure out this movie! I want to know because I want to go to the hotel it was filmed at because I loved the pool and the archway you could walk out on! Thank you!

HELP!! Hands going slightly numb after two Starbucks Doubleshots?

I was on call 24/7 and worked 12 hour shifts. Caffeine drains your body of certain vitamins and minerals and too much can cause muscle cramps too. Try an apple, gum or cold wash cloth on the back of your neck or face. Good Luck, Grant.

"Ye all are gods". Then, what on earth are we doing?

The purpose of Evolution seems to manifest our identity with God gradually and increasingly.The promised paradise may be purely physical, right here on earth, when we are in position to realize our oneness with God. When we think of God, I believe, we should think of Life and not Death. Your comments please.

UK: car drivers use a road atlas. what [non-GPS] books/maps do seafarers use especially when near a coastline:?

is the reeds almanac any good? what other tome is a standard navigation aid for UK coastal what did people use before the invention of GPS, to navigate coastal waters?

Do you think GWS and YA in general is full of cliques?

If so, what is it about the internet (and in particular social forums like chat sites and yahoo answers) that brings back the clique mentality?

We got a start on sum band names, what you think? can you help add to em if they can be better?

Well hell, what about combining the two words? "Vital Anxiety" It works for me - I'd pick up that album and check it out. I do like "Esoteric Anxiety" too though - and yes, you spelled it correctly ^_^

What's the name of this Shania Twain song? (video link please)?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Is anyone else mad about EA Games' version of Dante's Inferno?

They're basically raping a literary masterpiece and marketing it to impressionable people who are just going to end up thinking that the game version of it is what Dante wrote.

Can you plz give me some ideas?

ok like i have to draw this thing like i have to draw a stamp or a coin to commemorate auschwitz commeermorate means to honor and too remember so like what iam wondering is what could i draw to rember aushwitz like give me something simple like it cant be a gas chamber or anything it has to be something to honor aushwitz

Why did he do this with me?!!!?

It's hard to understand you and it was really long so I only read half of it. Yes you made a mistake, you're not the first woman to do it though. I don't know if you believe in Adam and Eve but she also committed a sin and was forgiven. There's nothing you can do now so just learn from it and move on. Next time, do not believe what guys tell you especially if they swear to Allah. That is a sin in itself.

Who manages and produces Kellie Clarkson?

I have a friend who is being solicited by a specific music management company. We are unfamiliar with this group and would like verification--please.

Have you ever had someone from the opposite ...?

I used to be a personal trainer and group fitness instructor. Most of my clients were women. They flirted with me all the time. I was a professional and never involved myself with any of my clients! Plus I always wore my marriage ring...:)

Why am I so malnourished?

Im almost 13 and I'm 4 foot 10. However, I only weigh 58 pounds. How do I gain weight besides stuffing my face? I can't consume a lot of food. Also, I'm worried a might have disorder or an extremely high metabolism. Help me, This skinniness and puniness is gonna lead to me having to no experience in my love life!

Is my diet reasonably healthy?

Very balanced, if a little low on calories when the intention is to maintain weight rather than lose it.

What would your perfect harry potter cast be harry potter fans?

That is a serious list you got there..... :) I wanna know who the gonna get to replace the current cast, cos apparantly they all getting too old for the story? especially for the last 2 books

Is Alicia Keys racist against white people?

Alicia Keys is half white and ive heard her say she was proud to be biracial,BUT i just read an article where she was talking about Ganster rap and she says it was promoted by the government to make Black people kill each other, she goes on to say that the whole east coast west coast beef in the mid 90s was fueled by the government and the media which lead to another one of our(meaning black people) leaders being taken from us( Tupac Shakur).. She also says she has read the autobiography's of every black panther but most notably Huey P Newton who is the founder of the black panthers and she says she wears a AK 47 charm around her neck which Huey Says is a symbol meaning and I quote "Kill Um All"( which was a big surprise to her white Mother) she says that if Huey had the outlets and voice that our musicians(our meaning black Musicians) have today his message would be world wide" she also says"I will have to find a way to do it myself" So after reading this, even though she is half white i would bet that if they still existed Alicia Keys would definitly be a big part of the Black Panther Party.. Do you agree that she may be racist? Oh i would have put the link to the web site here but i could not figure out how to do it on this Computer.

All you can eat Sushi in Salt Lake City?

Simply sushi is awesome! 7117 So. Redwood Road, West Jordan - (801) 676-7008 or in Salt Lake 180 W 400 S, Salt Lake City - (801) 746-4445. Great service excellent sushi. If you like beer they have $2 domestic bottles.

Can someone translate this from Spanish to English please?

"I go away Today of cazeria if that the cats estan ignited Looking for as of t�a they fia P� with that to play it fria to me I go away of cazeria"

Does anyone in Britain express confusion at how the press demonises children?

"Hoodies", "feral", "louts", "s", etc...but if children who indeed were acting "inhuman" ended up dead, on account of meeting someone a wee bit more "threatening", then the news coverage would change - with the dead child described in glowing terms; 'model student", "angel" and/or "every mother's perfect son" (Julie Myerson - who is currently dining out on the drugs 'n' delinquency insight - look away now). Why does the UK treat children as the enemy. What is the difference between 2009 and 1979...and indeed 1959? Are they really little s who deserves a short sharp shock - or does the answer lie in their parents (or even grandparents) who grew up from the mid fifties onwards where discipline was beginning to take a dip?

What do you think of this wrestling doentary?

its 10 min short a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Can my matye get dla in the uk....?

He was run over a decade ago and on a good day can walk a mile or two, but if he does he can't walk at all for the next three or four days.

It sounds ridiculous, but I haven't taken a proper poop in over a week. Are laxatives my only answer?

I've been really sick w/ a cold for about a week too, but I don't know why that'd have anything to do with my BMs. I've started to drink more water as well. I know I don't eat enough veggies. Is this why I'm all stopped up?

What is a good name for a Sheltie? (Shetland Sheepdog)?

Anything Scottish. My brother-in-law's dog is named Nessie after Loch Ness. She isn't a Sheltie, but it would still be a good name for a Sheltie.

Senior's Medi-Cal being denied, other options?

The only reason a senior person is denied Medi-cal is because they are over the income and/or ets amounts allowable. Which means she DOES have the ets to pay for her keep SOMEWHERE. Her house is not counted, so she must have money somewhere. This is what she will need to spend down to be eligible at some point for Medi-cal. Make sure she keeps records of where her money was spent. This will be necessary in order for her to qualify once she meets the et level acceptable. I believe the maximum limit is $2,000, but you can verify all the specifics with her worker. The limit is increased when there is a spouse and ets can be retained by the spouse up to some $85,000 if she is not expected to return to her home. Also be aware that the state may attempt to recoup any funds spent for her care from her ets after she pes away.

Good speakers for wedding reception?

I'm looking for some good speakers that I can hook up to my Macbook Pro for my wedding ceremony and reception. We are expecting about 100 guests, the ceremony is in a small area outdoors, and the reception is in a historic train station with high ceilings (fairly spacious). What type and brand of speakers would be good for this? I was looking at M Audio Studiophile BX5a's and Bose Companion 3 or 5, but I don't know nearly enough about speakers and audio equipment to be able to pick the reviewers that actually know what they're talking about.

What book changed your view on life, or helped you during hard times?

Other than the Bible, the book that really influenced my life was Harry Potter. They teach such good morals, about how life isn't always fair, and you're never alone when you may think you are. I know that sounded like the cheesiest thing you've ever heard but it's true. xD

What time of the day is the best to go running?

Lots of people run in the morning, but you won't look like a loser no matter what. People go running all times of day, and the people that don't run (like myself) are secretly envious of your discipline. :P Have fun!

When will my braces stop hurting?

The first few times you have them tightened they will hurt for almost a week. Eventually it will hurt less when you keep getting it done it may last a day or you could even being chewing fine right away. the first few times is when most of the movement is resisted by your teeth so they hurt more. eventually they basically "soften" and they are moved more freely, which is why it hurts less. They will always be sore after you get them tightened though. hope this helps good luck.

Do libs really think we care about O'Donnell and witchcraft?

Like just about all the other tripe they are bleating: Racist! Idiot! Warmonger! Hateful! Spiteful! Witch! No one really cares.


I love Derek and Julianne for the pros. I want Julianne to win it with Chuck.... but I want Shawn to do well. I don't really know of any of the other Celebs that well.... the only other one I knew was Belinda but she was the first kicked off. lol

MFA in Photography? Museum jobs in Washington DC?

I just moved to Washington DC from Philadelphia where I graduated with my BFA a year ago and taught art to young children. I have been exhibiting since 2005 and am constantly doing side photography projects for bands, weddings, etc. I want to get my MFA in Photography and with that, it has always been my dream to teach on a college level and become a mentor for young artists. BUT (and this is what I have been so torn about lately) how practical is getting my MFA and going into major debt and putting off my life for another 2 years? Also, what other jobs are offered in all of these fine Museums in the DC area? That is what I am most curious about. I'm really torn, on the fence, unsure, insecure and I am really looking for solid answers and TRUTHFUL advice. I always say inside when my professor is my mentor and the chair of the department "there is no reason that can't be me" or when I see a museum exhibition I always say "there is no reason I can't curate that"... or should I just go to nursing school?

Connecting Pagan Deities with Angels (Question for Story Idea)?

The Gnostic Gospels connect Set (and other mythological Egyptian figures) with Christ and other Christian figures.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Do americans have guts to fight for health care reform? or are we just weak patsies unable to defend ourselves?

I know this is about the USA but take a look at Canada why does you government juts copy are health plan, at the very least people could go to the hospital. Sorry you country is total stupid for trying to stop health care, where I live i get American stations and hear all about you problems. I say it people are afraid that they wont receive the same health care any more because they are not paying for it, and it may cost more on taxes but when you need help you can get it and you won't have to mortgage you home or something.

I want to do amie in computer engineering after that can i get a good job with a good salary?

Is amie hot? If she is a manager or something and you satisfy her..then maybe she will hook up a sweet job for you...nah probably not.

Are there any Sony stores in Manatee county?

I need to buy a rain cover for my camcorder and a lot of stores I went to (Walmart, Best buy, Radio shack, etc) said I need to buy it from Sony.

Does Randall from one of the past seasons of of The Aprrentice have a genius IQ or something?

He has got very impressive academic background and all. Most people have maybe 1 or 2 degrees, but 5 at such a young age? Wow.

Need a first and middle name.Here r some names i like, which order to use them?

I think that Elena is a very Beautiful name. I think this is the best out of all the girls names. For a boy, I would say Dillon. Riley and Haden are too feminine.

Is harry potter is harmful to the youth ?

To all Christian this is a kind of abomination even though it performs good magic it is still an abomination!! And this is a kind of sorcery

Who's better vela or gio?;_ylt=AgiahtzYdAkVOqBWqqehXdbsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20091019155853AAMrdOi

Puppy question any one care to help?

With puppies that young it is perfectly acceptable to feed them as much as they'll eat. It's possible he's just going to be a small dog though. Your vet would have said if he thought tere was something to worry about. Keep an eye on his weight, as reccomended, and he'll soon grow!

Girls i need your advice tonight!!?

you sound like a really nice guy and this girl is foolish if she's trying to make you jelous but then again when it comes to love everyone is foolish but just get on with your life, you have plenty of time for that sort of stuff so let it go, I mean it's just one of those things in life you have to get over. When your about 30 or 40 it's just going to sound like your first birthday or something small like that so yeah just chilax (chill and relax) ;)

Asking parents to move in with grandparents?

I live in Bedford Texas, and I've never been fully happy. Every summer/certain holidays i go to Austin to see family, where Both sides of my family live! Its literally my happy place. I've lived in Bedford since i was about 3 years old, so i've definately given it a chance. I have many reasons that i want to live in Austin, but i don't want you to have to read that much. My problem is how in the world could i even ADDRESS my issue to my parents. And how could i ask my grandparents without be rude, because i know they'd say yes in a heartbeat, but i don't know if they could actually handle it. By the way I'm 14, and also my grandparents aren't too old because they get out and do stuff all the time. My mom looked into moving there, but not only did the job option NEVER come up, but she said it was too expensive anyways. Any help is needed, even if it doesn't answer my questions.

Where did the tall and fair-haired Celts come from?

Celts have brown, black, red or blond hair. The last two would be the fair haired Celts. These variants occur in all Celtic populations from, Spain to Belgium, to the British Isles to France and anywhere else there is a strong Celtic genetic influence. In general Celtic populations are tall. The Britons were wiped out by the Roman and Germanic invasions. Any remnants of Britons would be in what is now Wales. Welsh can be tall, medium or short and dark or light haired.

Recommended books featuring Female Domination and Cuckolding themes?

I'm not sure that it's quite what you're looking for, but "One Flew Over a Cuckoo's Nest" involves female superiority where females have more power over the males. It's also a book meant to question the idea of sanity vs. insanity.

National gurd back round check?

ok well i have been introble with the law but little petty stuff like running away from home and stuff and violating with dirty pee and i also had dcf due to family problems but this all happened when i was like 13 iam now 18...will this effect me being able to join the national gaurd??? help..

What do you think of my poem?

I really liked it. I only wish I could write like that. I love poems that actually have a meaning to them. I just hope that's not you. If it is, it's good you beat it, if you did.

I need to get into Baylor?

Im about to enter my senior year in high school, as you all know this is the year i need to start applying for collages, scholarships etc. Well i need a little advice. I did really poorly on my S.A.T, and i will be taking the A.C.T for the first time in September. I live in texas so i want to go to collages in the state. My top 3 are UNT, UT Austin and Baylor. However I want to go to Baylor more then anything. I was wondering if any current of former Baylor students can give me some advice on how to get in, and if their was anything special they did, like community service ( which i herd was useless, but I dont know).

Is he interested or just wondering if I think hez cute? :/?

yes most important...looks....not...kinda seems like a prick to me to be honest....who the hell says "you like it when i dont on my 1st on" i mean come on...but hey what u got in your life right now? you have a boyfriend or any other guy that would be upset if you dated him? you live once so go for your life and learn as you go...if he wants you he wants you either for a fling a relationship or whatever....what you got to lose...i just realized im actually replying to stuff on this website...holy **** im bored.....shoot me..........oh good luck

Do you smell what I'm cookin'?

FINALLY, THE ROCK HAS COME BACK... to hopefully be the anonymous RAW GM so we won't have to keep on wondering just who the hell is this RAW GM! Is that what ur cookin?

I have dyslexia, why are people so mean to me?

When someone rings the house and I write down a mage, I always spell it wrong. Why in the name of dog do people have to bee sow mean two me? Even with my disability I have lead a normal life, recently I lost a lot of wait when I cut down on my and bi doing exorcise. I might has dyslexia, but dyslexic people are people poo.

What is the message of this commentary? Do you agree or disagree?

I agree with him completely. He is saying that we can all get along and that he is tired of people of faith being pushed around by those who have none. God bless.

Which spelling looks best?

haha, I think the first one is pretty good. never heard this kinda name, I like it. :) yeah so Gracelan sounds good to me. but how do you pronounce it? :P

Is my writing any good?

It is screaming out for dialogue. It just looks like a list of self-pitying moans and groans without it.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Replicating the behavior of a program?

I use an old program at work that connects to the internet and downloads some data. I used WireShark to see what the program did and the protocol seems very straight forward... The program uses TCP protocol and sends an ASCII command like FAF0f00001 and receives an ASCII response (FAF0f00131blablabla...) with the data I need, the 131 corresponds to the length of the string I'm receiving... How can I replicate the programs behavior based on the pcap file and using maybe C# to fool the server into thinking it's the program??

Good advice for bad skin?

I'm at the end of my tether with skin! I've got blackheads on my nose, cheeks, forehead and chin; lots of little pimples on my forehead and cheeks and the ghost of red spots that went down months ago but won't go away. I've tried natural & unnatural face masks, which don't seem to help at all. I had some success with my blackheads using Biore Pore Perfect warming wash but to the detriment of the rest of my face which erupted in pimples after a month or so. I have very sensitive skin and so can't use things like Clearasil which burn my face. I exfoliate every 3 days with St. Ives Apricot Scrub which has made my skin very soft but not made it look any better. I currently wash my face with cold water, tone it with natural lavendar water & then moisturise with Simple. I have a super-healthy diet, drink loads of water and don't eat chocolate or wear makeup (which aggrevate my skin problems) but nothing seems to help! I am in desperate need of some advice!

Survey: Is the Earth old enough to say that we live off of the mortal remnants of our ancestors?

When we exhale, we are removing carbon dioxide and water vapor from our bodies. The carbon dioxide is made up of carbon and oxygen atoms some of which were parts of chemical compounds created by our own bodies. The same is true of some of the hydrogen and oxygen atoms that make up the water vapor. Some of the carbon dioxide and water that we release is taken up by plants that are consumed for food by other humans, or the plants are consumed by herbivores that are consumed by humans. So it is correct to say that some of the atoms in our bodies had previously been parts of the bodies of other people.

Book finished :D Beginning bit, like it? Not just the plot, the writing.?

Yea that is really good. You are very descriptive and it flows very well from the beginning of the page to the end. I also like the suspense created in the last paragraph. Overall good imagery. I'd like to read more please :)

Now that Conservative Gov. Sanford has admitted using public funds for his illicit affair...what will GOP do?

Will he get another standing ovation and applause? Will he step down like a dignified person should or will he cling to power shamelessly? Considering the Republicans 25 % approval is it best he steps down for the good of the party?

These Bacon Dispensers Never Work! What Was Wrong Them?

So sometimes I go to a public restroom, and there's this machine on the wall. Usually there are two pictures on the machine, one with a hand pushing a on, and the other with the hand underneath the opening with bacon falling from the opening. So I think "Cool. Free Bacon!". Well every time I push the darn on, nothing but hot air comes out. The people who make these bacon machines should test their stupid contraptions before distributing them! If they are working fine, then they need to keep the darn things refilled! Oneday I'm gonna take one of those bacon machines apart and see if the bacon is getting jammed or something.

Youtube uploader not working.?

Try clicking on the Try The Bulkloader link at the bottom. Every other way seems to be having glitches lately. This recently happened to me and this option worked. Even if just uploading on file, it seems to work. Good luck!

What should I say to a guy I haven't talked to for 2 years?

Okay so this guy in eighth grade would normally come up to me and say hi and ask me for hugs but I would always refuse. We were never really close and never had an actual conversation before. My friend dared to say hi to him but idk the right way to approach him (on a website that allows you to ask your friends questions). I don't be to overthink this but whats a subtle way to say hi but not make him think i'm weird? Thanks(: Any advice would be appreciated.

Why do some (many?) women think men are naturally mechanically adept?

I've had a female acquaintance call me about the gas line in her house. Another time, it was about tires on her car. I've not given indication I have knowledge on these items. Is she just uming that, as a man, I automatically know of such things?

Whos is the recruiter in the adf army. is it the person i talk to on the phone?

is it the person i talk to on the phone after the you session? because i need to disclosure some information and not sure if whos my recruiter or at what point will i have a recruiter? i am at the procces of getting my education/police check!

Petco adoption , question.?

someone put the info from petco ,onto craigslist,to make sure more people will know about the adopt-a-thon.i work with a rescue group,we routinely write of our adoptathons on craigslist,to increase the number of people who will look at our pets and hopefully adopt some.are we trying to increase petco's sales?no.are we trying to make money ourselves?no.we volunteer our time,hoping to save animals which might otherwise be put down at our over-crowded spca's.if u want to adopt a pet,please go to the adoptathon and take a look!best of luck.

What should i do if i love someone but can't be with that person?

Why is life not fair you care about someone so much but you can't be with them. Its like whats the point of living if you can't be with the person you love and the worst part about it is you lose your virginity to them. Also, they are your brother homeboy but does it really matter because if you care bout that person so much why would you care if they are your brother friend. Its so hard to forget bout the person because you see them everyday. You will never change anything bout them because they are good just the way they are. You think bout them everday and they are always on your mind. But what the point if they dont feel the same way bout you because they have some one new in their life. So i say it again life isn't fair when you can't be with the person you care bout.


I tried so hard to get rid of my gayness but I CAN'T! I got an exorcism but all I did was barf and nothing happened. Why won't Satan leave me? I tried so hard to like girls but I don't even get turned on. I even watched some videos with girls having (s e x) in it but no matter what I just find it disgusting. I Don't want to go to hell. Why did God make my life so hard? I told my parents and they even took me to one of Christian friends who is some sort of therapist. But it didn't work. My parents are very ashamed of me and I get really sad at times. How come I'm going to hell when I'm suffering in this life to? It's not fair. I act like a straight person at school so it's really hard to notice. I EVEN HAD A GIRLFRIEND and kissed her but i didn't feel anything. I'm not sure if it's God testing me or Satan is pocessing me but I want to get rid of my ity! Please help. Is their some kind of medicine or anything that I can take? I want to believe it's a choice because God wouldn't make someone just to send them to hell but lately I'm starting to disagree with it. Please I don't want any dumb answers. Please help me!

What is your favorite Chuck Norris jokes??

one of my favorite ones is.......The original draft of The Lord of the Rings featured Chuck Norris instead of Frodo Baggins. It was only 5 pages long, as Chuck roundhouse-kicked Sauron’s @ss halfway through the first chapter.

Am I wrong not to accommodate the father after he wanted an abortion?

I am 22 weeks pregnant. I was living with the child's father and after he found out I was pregnant---he abandoned me in an apartment I couldn't afford alone. On top of that, because I wouldn't get an abortion, he told me to stop contacting him---which I did. I hadn't heard anything from him, since October of last year---until last week. He sends me an email saying he wanted to "discuss the matter" I replied sternly, saying there was nothing to discuss unless it pertained to his child's well-being. He said it did, but wouldn't elaborate. So, I didn't give him any info. (He doesn't even know exactly how far along I am, what the gender of the child is, etc.) Well, after asking this question on Y!A, it was suggested that I was being too hard and I should lightened up and volunteer some info---which I did. I send another email last night, basically divulging my stance about allowing him to be a father if he chose to be, but not allowing him to pop in and out at his convenience. I concluded the email, with an attachment of my 18 week sonogram that had the babies on it. I haven't heard from him as of yet, and see that is what bothers me. For all the years I knew him, he was an adamant email checker. I kinda was adjusting to the idea of him not being involved, and hate feeling pull back and forth between him wanting to accept his part and him wanting to play mind games like a child. I'm tired of investing energy into him...this isn't about HIM, it's about the child---yet he still comes off, like he should be the one accommodated. I feel like he doesn't deserved to know anything about the child, he wanted to abort.